Job Openings

To apply, please submit requested information listed at the bottom of the page.

A. Certified Positions

B. Ancillary (Support Staff) Positions

  1. Substitute Kitchen Helper

C. Substitute Teachers

  1. On-going – If you are interested in substitute teaching, please bring a copy of your ND teaching license and 2 forms of ID (driver’s license, social security card, passport, etc.) to South Heart School. If you do not have a ND teaching license, please contact the Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) at (701) 328-9641 to see if you would qualify for an interim substitute teaching license.

D. Activity Advisor Positions

  1. Future City Assistant Advisor

E. Athletic Coaching Positions

Heart River Cougar Athletics

  1. Head Boys' Golf Coach

  2. Assistant Track Coach

  3. Junior High Track Coach

South Heart Athletics

  1. None at this time

To apply please submit requested information (listed to the right) to:

Mr. Kelly Koppinger, Superintendent
South Heart Public School District #9
PO Box 159 
South Heart, ND 58655

Office:   (701) 677-5671

A. Certified

  1. District application (see below)

  2. Letter of application

  3. Resume

  4. Teaching license/credential

  5. Transcripts

  6. Three (3) letters of recommendation

B.  Ancillary

  1. District application (see below)

  2. Letter of application

  3. Resume

  4. Applicants for Paraprofessional positions must also provide:
    - Copy of High School Diploma or GED
    - College Transcripts

C.  Activities/Athletics

  1. District Application (see below)

  2. Letter of application

  3. Resume

Click here for District Application.