Good morning South Heart staff, students, and parents. South Heart School WILL be in session today as normal. Roads appear to be better than yesterday afternoon/evening, but patches of very icy roads and reduced visibility do occur at times. Therefore, please allow for extra travel time. Note that route buses are planning to run as normal, but may run a little behind schedule if drivers need to slow down. Thank you and please drive safely. Mr. Dean
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
Good afternoon students, parents, and staff. Throughout the day, icy road conditions have developed due to wind blowing snow that is sticking to the road. As such, all afternoon practices and activities are canceled after school today, November 16. The only exception is that South Heart School play practice will be held as scheduled as the play is scheduled only 2 days away. Thank you, and please drive safe. Mr. Dean
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
CPASS Pizza order pick-up is Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 2:45pm-3:45pm at Door 3.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Good evening everyone. This message is from Mr. Dean, Superintendent at South Heart School. As everyone knows, school was cancelled on Thursday, November 10, 2022, due to a snowstorm and poor travel conditions. In accordance with the 2022-23 school calendar, this missed day of school on November 10 will be made up on Thursday, March 16, 2023.
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
Just a reminder! Please dress nicely for the Veterans' Day Program tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 14). If you can, try to include red, white, and blue in your attire.
over 2 years ago, Kelsey Boedeker
Good evening South Heart staff, parents, and students. Forecasted snowfall and strong winds will likely contribute to significant blizzard conditions overnight and throughout the day on Thursday. In addition to freezing rain today, these blizzard conditions will likely lead to very hazardous road conditions. Therefore, school and all activities for South Heart School are cancelled for Thursday, November 10. A makeup today will be announced in the future. Due to state law prohibiting school on Veterans Day, school will not be in session on Friday, November 11, as planned. Enjoy the 4 day weekend! Thank you, Mr. Dean.
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
The CPASS pizza delivery is Thursday, Nov 17 at Door 3 from 2:45pm-3:45pm.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Good morning everyone. This message is from Mr. Dean, Superintendent at South Heart School . The following are a couple of weather-related announcements. The Veterans Day program scheduled for Thursday (tomorrow) at South Heart School has been postponed to Monday, November 14, at 10:00 am. In terms of school in session for Thursday (tomorrow), we will be monitoring the weather as the day progresses. Any potential decision to possibly cancel will not be made until later tonight or even tomorrow morning. Thank you and please stay safe.
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
It's time for the annual Badlands Student Art Show. However, this year they have extended the show dates and changed the location. It begins this Friday evening and will run through Thursday, November 17th. I hope you can make it to the mall to support our South Heart students.
over 2 years ago, Admin
Badlands Art Show Flyer
Good Evening! It has been brought to our attention that some students have received a text message like the one below. This is not legitimate and is SPAM. If received, please communicate with your child(ren) to not click on the link. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Admin
Fake App Text
Good evening South Heart staff, students, and parents: The purpose of this message is to make sure everyone is aware of a recent development in the Dickinson area. As all of you know, one of the most dangerous drugs, FENTALYN, has become prevalent across the United States, North Dakota, and even southwest North Dakota. Fentanyl is extremely dangerous and deadly, even when only touched with the skin. As we approach Halloween, please be aware the this drug is now being produced in bright colored pills, which could easily be mistaken for candy. Recently, the Southwest Narcotics Task Force seized a large of amount of fentanyl in the Dickinson area. To learn more, please visit this website: South Heart School wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween!
over 2 years ago, Calvin Dean
Try Hockey for free on Saturday, November 5 at the West River Ice Center. Please see flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Try hockey for free flyer
REMINDER: Wednesday, October 19 is Picture Retake day. Don't wear green for picture day, please, as they use "Green Screen" technology.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 12, is support Walby/Wigert day at school! Please wear your support Walby and Wigert shirts. If you do not have one please wear a blue shirt for Mrs. Walby or an orange shirt for Mr. Wigert. Please take pictures with those around you wearing their shirts too and email them to Ms. Boedeker: Let's make a wave of blue and orange!
over 2 years ago, Admin
There will be Junior High Dance on Friday, October 14. Please see flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Junior High Fall Dance Flyer
Try Girls' Hockey for free on Saturday, October 15! Please see flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Girls' Hockey Flyer
Our FBLA chapter had its first official professional dress day of the school year! It's always fun and impressive to see the students looking so professional!
over 2 years ago, Kelsey Boedeker
FBLA Chapter
The electronic edition of the October Cougar Connection has been posted on our website. A paper copy will be sent home with your child(ren) this week.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
If you would like to give your student(s) permission to drive to and from the Pep Rally in Belfield on Friday, September 30, please fill out the attached form and return to the office by 12:00pm on Friday.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
Driving Consent Form for Pep Rally
Student pictures are ready to view. Please read the information on the flyer to view and order.
over 2 years ago, Dana Urban
2022-23 Josten's  Picture Information